Rain, Rain go away...
It's rained for the last two days and I've been in trouble the whole time. I love playing in the rain and I forget what I am suppose to be doing outside. It's all the rains fault, it's making me potty more than normal -I swear. Needless to say, it hasn't been a good potty week. In no particular order.... I've marked 2 down comforters, 1 comforter, 2 sheets and Daddy's favorite pillow in the last three days.
Today, I was doing so good about telling Daddy when I had to go, that I got to ride along when they went to McDonald's for dinner. I got fries and nuggets. Ummmm nuggets. Then I ruined my streak by streaking the comforter. Oops!
Momma says that if I don't stop peeing on the bed, that she is going to shut the bedroom door while she is at work and I will not be able to nap on the bed anymore. If she shuts the door, then Meow Meow can't nap on the bed either. Meow Meow is not happy about that prospect. She has been encouraging me to potty outside or else. I'm not sure what the else means, she's kind of a scary cat sometimes.
I'm going to try real hard over the next few days to only go potty outside. Wish me luck!
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