Sunday, June 18, 2006

What do we call it?

At the end of August we will have had Fredbird for 1 year. We celebrate my birthday, but do not know when Fred's is due to the rescue thingy. Mommy is going Freddie a get a present like I got for my birthday, but what do we call the day? Forever home anniversary? Please help. I want Freddie to have a special day too.

Snarf you later,

Shh don't tell Freddie.... Here is what mommy is getting Freddie for her day. We saw it on Meredith's site, she has everything! I think she should get to wear it for the wedding as well.


Blogger Punchbugpug said...

We think you should call it her "forever home" day! I love the secret present! Are the kids in the wedding?

9:37 AM  
Blogger My Pugs Blogger said...

I've heard it be called his "gotcha day" :)

11:07 AM  
Blogger Kara (Turskey) Vaught said...

I was going to say forever home day too, so I second that!

2:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why can't you just use birthday? It is like a re-birth as she has "entered" your family....just an idea, love your Blog!

2:24 PM  

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