Busy Week

Happy Sunday! Sorry for the delay in posts, but it has been very hectic around here. Mommy's been training new staff, going to school and working. Freddie and I are playing with Daddy and Melody a lot. I have discovered that Freddie is camera shy and does not like it when the camera is brought out, she hides from the camera so we are trying to work on that little issue. Everything else is going great. It's hot in St. Louis, but we have been going on evening walks. Last weekend grandma, Aunt Audrey, Hayden and Chandler came to visit. I don't think Hayden liked me all that much. He likes to run, so I run after him and then he cries. Strange humans, I just want to play. Chandler petted us and played with us, we liked her a lot. There are a lot of pugs and pets that are in need due to recent events in the south, if you can please help out. Petsmart and the Humane Society are just two of the organizations trying to help animals in needs. Please visit www.petsmart.com or www.hsus.org to donate.
Hugs and Snarfs
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