Saturday, July 30, 2005

Happy Snarfday

Good morning all! I have recovered from my weekend with the house guests and everything is back to normal. This morning Mom and I went on my first walk around the neighborhood. It was a lot of fun. I wanted to snarf everything, but Mom said next time. Then we came home and the mowers arrived. I sat in the front window and watched them. They sure do make a lot of noise. Happy snarfing!

Saturday, July 23, 2005

House Guests

Greenies, Check. Toys, Check. Kibble, Check. I'm Ready for Guests. Maybe!

Hello all! I have house guests this weekend. Dad's Mom had to go out town, so we have her two dogs my uncles Roger and Tater. We don't see each other very often so they don't really know or like me a whole lot. They stayed with us this Spring and we were kept on separate sides of the house. Daddy said that I was a baby and that Roger was a teaser, so we keep separated. The new house is too small to separate, so it's been very frustrating so far.

I tried showing them around the house and backyard, I guess they weren't impressed. So far I've learned that they bark a lot, and they get mad if I walk in the room, by them or near Daddy. He's my Daddy! I just don't understand, why don't they want to play with me! Momma says that they are old and can't keep up with the Snarf, but Roger starts to play, changes his mind and then I get yelled at and told no. Come on, make up your mind either were playing or were not. He spent most of the morning under the chair barking. I thought he was stuck, so I tried to climb under the chair too. He wasn't stuck and he wasn't happy to see me. He ate some of my puppy food, he seemed to really enjoy it until Momma told him no. I was hoping that it would give him Puppy Power, but alas, nothing. I even tried sharing my treats, how could they not like Greenies! Tater is older and he stays to himself. I would like to spend some time with him, I let him lay on my bed and my perch, and he just barks at me. Maybe he's just quiet.

I just wanna play and wrestle. Pllleeeaaasssee, I'll be gentle. When Roger starts to play, I get my hopes up and get all excited and then nothing. Then I'm all worked up and Momma and Daddy have to take me to the bedroom, because I'm too worked up and then I make myself sick. I got so excited last night that I hurled, I haven't hurled since my first day and that was because of Momma's driving. Ugh. Stop Teasing the Snarf! I can't wait until we get my new brother or sister this Winter. Then I'll have someone to snarf around with.

I'm really beat. Having house guests is hard work.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005


It's been pretty slow around here today, Momma went to work. Snarf's are bored. After the peeing on the bed incident, I'm not allowed in the bedroom unless someone is with me. They put the gate in front of the door, so Meow Meow can jump it, but I can't. pffff! I want to nap on the big bed too! All I get to do is lay on the couch.

New toy

So yesterday I found a new toy on Momma's table, I decided to take it outside with me and play with it for while. Daddy saw what I was playing with and told Momma not to look outside. Momma thought he was being silly so she didn't look. Poor foolish Momma. I continued playing with my toy. This morning Momma takes me out and sees my new toy. I was very happy to have my toy back to play with so I promptly go out the door and begin chewing on it. Momma got mad and called me a "bad pug" (for the record, there is no such thing). I just laid on the sidewalk and continued chewing. Momma then came out and tried to take away my new toy, that I guess technically is really hers. We played chase around the yard while she was trying to get back her toy. Finally, we went inside and showed Daddy my toy and she took my picture as evidence. Daddy told Momma it was her fault for leaving it in a place where the Snarf could get to it. I liked my new toy while it lasted.

Off to find Momma's head bands.

Samson "Executive Pug"

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Sunday Humor

Wanted: Samson Taylor
Fly-by Ear Snarfing and Fry Theft

Don Samson Says: More Greenies and French Fries Or Else He's Sending In Meow Meow For Payment Collection

Saturday, July 16, 2005


Momma - That doesn't look like my Blog.

Get this thing off of me....

I'm only smiling because she's holding a pup tart.
Get this thing off of me!

Lazy Saturday..

It's been a pretty lazy day around here today. Mom had to work this morning, so Dad, Meow Meow and I slept in. It's a very hot day today in the Lou. Dad didn't want to go anywhere so Mom and I went on a short trip to Petsmart. I love Petsmart. We looked at all of the animals that were up for adoption. I hope nice people come and take them to their forever homes. I tried to play with the Golden that was there to teach the obedience class. He was a complete drag, all proper and such. I told him to lighten up, life was to short to be proper and perfect all of the time.

As many people know... Pugs and heat do not mix. Momma wants me to practice with my leash (ugg) so we go to Petsmart and practice. We walked the whole store many times and I showed how I can sit and come. Ok, I'm not perfect, but I'm getting better. We left Petsmart and went to a new place called Three Dog Bakery. It's a place full of dog treats. The women there were very nice and they let me try lots of delicacies. I like places that allow dogs to visit. It allows me to meet new people and snarf them.

I get so excited when I meet new people that I really can't have treats. We bought two puppy tarts and that thing. Those type of things happen when Dad lets Mom and I go shopping without him. I'm not really happy about the thing, Mommy says it's cute, Daddy says that it is appropriate. I think that Meow Meow should have to wear it. As soon as Momma leaves the room, I'm putting that thing on the bear.

Gotta Go, I'm feeling very snarfly cuddly.

Friday, July 15, 2005

Snarfing and Blogging makes me so.......


Happy Friday!

It's Friday and Tales from the Snarf is one week old! It's been a busy first week, it's hard snarfing everything and keeping up with my snarf blog. I'm happy to report that last two days have been better on the potty front. Mom and Dad have been home the last two days, Mom was sick today so I was nursing her back to health. We played on the laptop, we looked at pug sites, pug rescue sites and a really sad site about puppymill auctions. I've added some of my favorite pug sites to the right, please check'em out.

So much to snarf, so little time.......

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

No sheets, No blankets.....

This is not the face of a happy cat at naptime.

Rain, Rain go away...

It's rained for the last two days and I've been in trouble the whole time. I love playing in the rain and I forget what I am suppose to be doing outside. It's all the rains fault, it's making me potty more than normal -I swear. Needless to say, it hasn't been a good potty week. In no particular order.... I've marked 2 down comforters, 1 comforter, 2 sheets and Daddy's favorite pillow in the last three days.

Today, I was doing so good about telling Daddy when I had to go, that I got to ride along when they went to McDonald's for dinner. I got fries and nuggets. Ummmm nuggets. Then I ruined my streak by streaking the comforter. Oops!

Momma says that if I don't stop peeing on the bed, that she is going to shut the bedroom door while she is at work and I will not be able to nap on the bed anymore. If she shuts the door, then Meow Meow can't nap on the bed either. Meow Meow is not happy about that prospect. She has been encouraging me to potty outside or else. I'm not sure what the else means, she's kind of a scary cat sometimes.
I'm going to try real hard over the next few days to only go potty outside. Wish me luck!

Monday, July 11, 2005

Trash Bags

Today has been the pits! First I got a bath, which has been the only highlight of my day so far. Then I got in trouble for playing with the trash. Daddy left an open trash bag on the floor in the kitchen -what does he expect? The bag wasn't in the trash can or even closed. Momma came home and caught me a again. She then closed the bag and placed it on the back steps. She said that Daddy should have placed the bag in the trash can, out of the Snarfs reach or taken it outside right away because of the pizza boxes. Daddy says that he's right and I say that I'm right. Whose side do you think Momma will believe?

Does this look the face of a bad pug?

The Bear

My parents have a stuffed bear named Cinnamon. I guess that they have had it forever, it's special and it's clearly not a Snarf toy. I've removed the stuffing from my pig, my bed and two of Momma's taz dolls--big whoop I'm not untrustworthly. Ok, so maybe I've bit the bear and drug it around the house a few times, but I was just trying to be friendly and show him the new house. The bear stays either on the bed or on the shelf, but on our recent trip he got to go along. It was my trip to Grandma's, not a trip for the bear. I guess I may have tipped him off that I was planning to give Cinnamon a tour of Grandma's new house by his leg, so he resorted to new lows, or highs in this case. What do they want from me--I'm just a Snarf. Jeez, the bear has more clothes than me. Wait, strike that, I don't want any clothes. Mom, stop looking at all of those costume sites! A pug should not be dressed as a cow. Anyway here is the picture of the bear and hanging from the bedpost just out of my pug reach. And of course the dorky picture of him in his vest. Momma calls it his Partridge Family outfit, whatever that means. All I know is that Mom went shopping with Aunt Beth and came back with this outfit. I think the bear needs a "pugs rule" shirt. Gotta Go! Off to plot more ways to play with the Cinnamon.

Snarf you later.

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Trip Pictures

Are we there yet?

Grandma thinks I'm good. How could anyone with a face like this be bad?

At Grandma's I have to use my leash, I don't like leashes, I bite them.
Here I am going out to explore with my Daddy.

I'm tired you, you caught me.

What? What cardboard tube?

Playing with Grandma's in her Garage.

My Trip To Grandma's......

Me and Grandma

We went to My Grandma's for the 4th of July weekend. She's not used to having a pug for a grandbaby, but she's coming around nicely. Snarf. She just built a new house, so went to see her. She lives 200 miles away from us. That's stinks, because I like playing with her and she gives me all of her empty Mountain Dew bottles to play with. Mommy and Daddy were worried about making such a long trip with the Snarf. I have to say, I was excellent. I didn't have any accidents or get sick in the car. Grandma's new furniture hadn't arrived yet, so I had her entire great room to play ball in. I also had a whole open area outside to explore and mark. Snarf was here.

Snarf you later.

Saturday, July 09, 2005

Splish, Splash Snarf in the Bath

Opps! Daddy started the bath water and forgot to shut the door! Snarf Time!

Meow Meow

Good Morning! All is normal in Snarfland, Momma and Daddy have to work today so I thought I would be productive and tell you more about me and my life so far.

We just recently moved to our new house, it has a fenced backyard and shade trees. At our old house I had to go out with someone and that was a lot of pressure. In March, my sister Melody or Meow Meow escaped. I sort of helped. Daddy took me out and she got out too. I ran over to snarf her and she took off. It was dark and Daddy couldn't find her anywhere. He had to call Momma on her cell phone and tell her. Momma came home and searched late into the night, but they could not find sister. We searched all the next day and night and no Meow Meow. Momma cried lots. That night I got to sleep in bed with them for the first time. Momma was really worried about Meow Meow, I gave her lots of kisses to make her feel better. At about 5 a.m. the next day we were all awakened by the sound of Meow Meow crying at the window. Daddy went outside and got her. She was okay, just a little cold. Momma cuddled her to sleep.

We were all happy to have Meow Meow back, she however missed the family meeting where we voted to get another pug this year. Pugs Rule! She was also surprised to find out that she then had to share the bed with Momma, Daddy and the SNARF!!!!

Meow Meow is currently staring at me while I type this, apparently I'm interrupting her talking to the birdies time. Oh well.

Friday, July 08, 2005


Welcome to Tales From the Snarf Side!

My name is Samson Taylor, most of my friends call me Sammy, Snarf or Snarf Vader. My Mommy and Daddy have created this page for me to share all of my pug adventures.

I am almost eight months old, my Mom and Dad got me by luck. They knew that they wanted a pug, but didn't know where to get one. They saw one at a scary pet store, the next day they called an ad they found on the internet. The family had two pugs and their kids had talked their parents into letting them have a litter. After a very nasty C-section, me and my other siblings were brought into the world. My Mom and Daddy came to the house and they had the choice of me or two of my brothers. I ran around in circles and gave them lots of kisses. A flip of the ear and a head tilt and I was on my way to my forever home.

On the way home I threw up in the carrier (momma drives like a crazy women), so we stopped by Petsmart to get all sorts of puggie loot. My Mom and Dad carried me around the store and gave me tons of kisses. It would have been so bad, but we had to get back in the car. I got to ride on Dad's lap on the trip from Petsmart to my new home. All of the movement got to me and I hurled again. This time it was down the collar of Daddy's shirt. Opps! He wasn't mad at me though, he's been riding with Momma for years and he understood. After getting cleaned up I was introduced to my sister Melody the cat, a.k.a Meow Meow or Freakcat. She was not as happy to see me as I was to see her.

I have to say that my first five months with Mommy, Daddy and Meow Meow has gone pretty smoothly, the whole potty situation is still a problem, but I'm working on it.

Please join me on my adventures in Snarfland. You never know what I will Snarf next!